Online Streaming A Most Violent Year in HD Format. Watch Full Movie A Most Violent Year in High Quality. Download Full A Most Violent Year in Best Video Format. Full Movie Streaming A Most Violent Year in Best Look Video Format. Full Streaming A Most Violent Year in HD Video.
Now you can see an extensive description of A Most Violent Year below:
- Original Title : A Most Violent Year
- Movie title in your country : A Most Violent Year
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-12-31
- Companies of movie : FilmNation Entertainment, Before the Door Pictures, Washington Square Films,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : Español, English,
- Durationof movie : 125 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.7
- Youtube ID of movie : ySWXwXlXlQU
- Translation of movie : EN,RU,FR,ES,DE,EL,SV,ZH,HU,PT,
- Cast of movie :Elyes Gabel (Julian), Ashley Williams (Lange), Catalina Sandino Moreno (Luisa), Peter Gerety (Bill O'Leary), Pico Alexander (Elias Morales), Jerry Adler (Josef), Giselle Eisenberg (Catherine Morales), Glenn Fleshler (Arnold Klein), Annie Funke (Lorraine Lefkowitz), Oscar Isaac (Abel Morales), Matthew Maher (John Dominczyk), Daisy Tahan (Annie Morales), Elizabeth Marvel (Mrs. Rose), Albert Brooks (Andrew Walsh), Christopher Abbot (Louis Servidio), David Oyelowo (Lawrence), Jessica Chastain (Anna Morales), Alessandro Nivola (Peter Forente), David Margulies (Saul Lefkowitz), John Procaccino (Arthur Lewis)
A Most Violent Year is a better movie excreted by FilmNation Entertainment, Before the Door Pictures, Washington Square Films, with the use of a description of the movie is "A thriller set in New York City during the winter of 1981, statistically one of the most violent years in the city's history, and centered on a the lives of an immigrant and his family trying to expand their business and capitalize on opportunities as the rampant violence, decay, and corruption of the day drag them in and threaten to destroy all they have built.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best sound quality and greatest starring actors.
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Screenplay : J.C. Chandor , Director : J.C. Chandor , Director of Photography : Bradford Young
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Tags: new york city, crime,
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